KUALA LUMPUR - Shopee’s 2023 ShopeeSapotLokal Building Connected Communities study (1) finds that 100% of Malaysian women who achieve economic inclusion share their success by uplifting other women in B40 and rural areas. For 1,015 female sellers surveyed on the marketplace this Ramadan period: two-thirds hire single, rural, or impoverished women, or source directly from women-owned suppliers; a third facilitate networking opportunities and training programs. These findings demonstrate that Malaysian women in the digital economy are not only supporting household dependents during peak Ramadan e-commerce sales (2) , but are a driving force in giving back by lowering barriers to entry, widening access to customers, and providing more flexibility in time management to other women like themselves. When asked ”How has Shopee opened up new opportunities for women sellers like yourself?” – eight in ten respondents value the benefits and freedom of starting an online storefront easily ...